FPGA Freefrom/104 (value unknown)

Here is more information about this product: FPGA Freefrom/104 (prize unknown)
FreeForm/104 is a PC/104 based card that features a reconfigurable FPGA for digital I/O and control applications.
Based on Xilinx’s Spartan 3E, Connect Tech’s FreeForm/104 provides off-the-shelf flexibility, making it ideal for high speed, compute-intensive, reconfigurable applications. The FPGA configuration is stored in flash memory, allowing users to easily implement design changes during development or in the field.
Customized FPGA configurations can be developed easily by the user with Xilinx’s free ISE WebPACK software, or through Connect Tech’s engineering services.
The versatility and high speed processing core of the FreeForm/104 makes it ideal for applications including; DSP, software defined radio, aerospace, defense systems, computer hardware emulation, production or laboratory testing and industrial process monitoring and control.
Customizable PC/104 board based on Xilinx’s Spartan 3E - 500,000 gates
FPGA configurable through JTAG or SPI flash (4Mb)
Reprogrammable in the field for standard and custom designs
External 5V power connection for stand alone usage
Four user configurable LEDS and on-board reset switch
Eight position rotary switch connected to FPGA
Reference Designs
Visit Connect Tech's Development Center to obtain the latest FreeForm/104 Reference Designs.These reference designs provide example FPGA, HDL, and software applications, allowing you to rapidly develop a custom FPGA solution.
Standard Configurations
Digital I/O: 96 digital I/O (8255 compatible), 6 x 8254 counter/timers
Digital I/O Opto-22: 48 Opto-22 (8255 compatible), 6 x 8254 counter/timers